Frequently Asked Questions

Questions and Answers from Joy about Parakeets of Joy and parakeets in general.

Where can I buy bird seed?

You can find bird seed at your local pet store or supermarket. If not, or if you want to find a better place to purchase in bulk, or if you just prefer the convenience of home delivery, Joy recommends Higgins Nederlands Vita Bird Seed for Parakeets available at Pet Food Direct. It is a pretty good bird seed mix for your parakeet, and at about $1 per pound (before shipping costs), it is really good value for your money.

If you are really going for convenience, you can also set up an auto renewal at Pet Food Direct, so that bird seed is sent to you automatically every couple of months, or at whatever interval you prefer.

Other questions in 'Feeding Your Parakeet'

  1. What does a parakeet eat?
  2. What does a parakeet drink? Can I give my parakeet tap water?
  3. How often should I give water to my parakeet?
  4. What should I NOT, never, ever feed my parakeet?
  5. How often should I feed my parakeet?
  6. How much bird seed should a parakeet eat?
  7. How much will bird seed cost me?
  8. Where can I buy bird seed?
  9. Where can I buy bird seed online?
  10. Are there any drawbacks to buying bird seed online?
  11. Where can I buy Millet Sprigs or Sprays online?
  12. Should I add vitamins to my parakeet's water?

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