Frequently Asked Questions

Questions and Answers from Joy about Parakeets of Joy and parakeets in general.

What are budgies and budgerigars? How are they different from parakeets?

There is no difference. They are just 3 different ways of referring to the same type of bird. Parakeet is the term most commonly used in the United States.

Other questions in 'About Parakeets in General'

  1. Where in the world do parakeets come from? Where do they live in the wild?
  2. How long does a parakeet live? What is the lifespan of a parakeet?
  3. How can I extend the lifespan of my parakeet?
  4. What are budgies and budgerigars? How are they different from parakeets?
  5. Can I give a parakeet as a gift?
  6. Is a parakeet an appropriate pet for a child?
  7. At what age can a child have a parakeet?
  8. Can parakeets talk?
  9. How can I teach my parakeet to talk?

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